Jazz Bands


Lauren Hofer - Alto 1
Kaylie Fuerst - Alto 2
Emma Plamp - Tenor 1
Joshua Machado - Tenor 2
Brooklyn Bailey - Baritone Sax
Abby Parks - Trombone 1
Kate Ahlers - Trombone 2
Quinton Spitzer - Trombone 3
Nicholas Crothers - Bass Trombone
Quinton Wilson - Trumpet 1
Jared Burk - Trumpet 2
Lexi Hart - Trumpet  3
Jack Lentz - Trumpet  4
Max Hart - Trap Set
Ashlyn Reynolds - Bass
Malia Olegario - Piano
Leo Eggert - Guitar


Natasha Foster - Alto 1

Kaleb Fuerst - Alto 2

Teegin Lang - Tenor 1

August Wenzel - Tenor 2

James Schelske - Tenor 2

Corbin Reindl - Baritone Sax

Jon Berg - Trombone 1

Karina Dreidger - Trombone 2

Sebastian Morrison - Trombone 3

Jude Miller - Trumpet 1

Eliza Puetz - Trumpet 2

Austin Warren - Trumpet 3

Emma Plamp - Trumpet 4

Bon Weeks - Bass

Henry Trefz - Trap Set

Carston Schonley - Trap Set

Abbi Schnabel - Piano/Vibes

Wyatt Royston - Guitar


Our award winning jazz bands and combos have seen consistent success. Our two big bands consist of Jazz 1 and Jazz 2. Both of these ensembles are auditioned groups. Jazz 1 meets on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at 7:15AM. Jazz 2 meets on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:15AM. Instrumentation and numbers vary year to year. Our groups have won numerous awards over the last 20 years.  The band competes every year at various competitions in South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska.   The band also hosts its own festival called the Palace City Jazz Festival in February and an end of the year "jazz celebration" called the Palace City Jam in May!


Link takes you to itinerary!

Feb 7th- Morningside Jazz Festival in Sioux City, IA - Jazz 1 only

Feb 10th AND 11th - Palace City Jazz Festival - PAC - Jazz 1 and 2

Feb 28th - UNO Jazz Festival in Omaha - Jazz 1 only

March 4th - Augustana Jazz Festival in Sioux Falls - Jazz 1 and 2

March 5th - United States Air Force Academy Band “The Falconaires” clinic with both jazz bands at 3PM. Free concert that night at 7PM

April 3rd - SDSU Jazz Festival in Brookings - Jazz 1 and 2

April 4th - Jazz Collaboration Show @Distric in SF (with SF Lincoln and O’Gorman) - Jazz 1 only

April 29th - Palace City Jam at Moose Lodge 7PM - Jazz 1 and 2

April 30th - Jazz 1 opening for FJCO at the Washington Pavillion